How to Keep Your Pet Safe in the Sun this Summer

How to Keep Your Pet Safe in the Sun this Summer

Summer heat can be extremely dangerous for pets. Soaring temperatures, humidity, and sudden afternoon storms are a certainty if you plan on spending any amount of time outdoors during the season. Keeping your pet safe and cool should be a priority if you plan on taking them with you on your adventures and these tips and tricks can assist you. Should you have any questions or concerns, it’s a good idea to contact our veterinarians in Helena before you get outside.

Safety at the Beach

Pretty much anything that can hurt you at the beach can also hurt your four-legged friend. Avoid over-exposure to the sun by creating a shady area for your dog to rest with a beach umbrella, tree, or even a picnic bench. Bring plenty of fresh water for your dog to drink so he doesn’t suffer from dehydration and provide a blanket for paw protection from the hot sand. We might also recommend dog boots or shoes to safeguard against damage.

Stay in During Hot Times of the Day

Save walks for early morning and late afternoon when the temperatures are lower. The cooler air makes it easier for your pet to breathe and the ground won’t be as hot on the paws.

Leave Your Pet at Home

While you may want to take your furry friend with you everywhere, sometimes it’s just best to leave them at home in the air conditioning. Aside from your veterinary visit, limit time traveling, or time spent outdoors during the hottest times of the day. Also, you should never leave your pet in the car along for any reason. On a warm and sunny day, temperatures can rise well above 140 degrees Fahrenheit inside your car. This can result in respiratory distress and organ failure quickly.

Watch for Signs of Heat Stroke

Animals have a lower tolerance to heat due to their heavy coats. They rid their bodies of this excessive heat by panting. Pets with compromised respiratory systems like bulldogs and pugs also have a harder time removing heat from their bodies. If you notice your pet panting or drooling excessively or notice any muscle twitches, he may be suffering from heat stroke. At this point, you should get to our veterinarians immediately.

Contact Your Helena Veterinarians Today

Playing outside with your pet and kids is a fun activity in the summer, but it’s important to keep in mind the health and safety of your furry companion. If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to contact the Valley Veterinary Hospital of Helena in Helena MT at (406) 442-6450.