Parasite Prevention

When the weather is warm outdoors, the possibility of your pet contracting fleas or ticks rises. These parasites can cause havoc if they remain on your animal, making it necessary to take precautions to keep them away from your pet altogether if possible. One way to help your dog or cat with parasite prevention is to contact Valley Veterinary Hospital of Helena to make an appointment with our Veterinarian. Read on to find out more about flea and tick prevention including information about how veterinary care can help.


Be Aware of The Signs of a Problem

It is important to know the signs of a flea or tick problem so you can get much-needed treatment for your pet. Fleas are small, brown or black insects that crawl through the fur quickly. You may notice small dots of black in your pet's fur as well. This is called "flea dirt" and is actually the excrement left behind by these parasites. Ticks look similar to spiders, only they have six legs instead of four. They will grasp onto the pet's skin using their jaws and will drink their blood. This will cause a tick to blow up and become larger. You may notice a tick on your pet when you stroke their fur. Fleas and ticks can cause a dog or cat to scratch at their coat in an attempt to relieve itchiness or pain.

How to Protect Your Pet at Home

It is wise to treat your property against parasites to help keep their number at a minimum. Contact a pest control service in the area to evaluate your property and make recommendations regarding effective flea and tick control tactics. Keep on top of mowing your lawn and do spot checks of your pet each time they spend time outdoors. Keep a flea comb and a set of tweezers near your door for this reason. If you notice several parasites on your pet's skin, contact our vet for treatment.

What Veterinary Care Can Do to Help

If you live in an area where pests are prevalent, if your pet spends a great deal of time outdoors, or if you just want to protect your pet against possible parasite infestations, contact our veterinarian for an appointment. Medication will be prescribed to give to your cat or dog regularly during times of the year when pests are known to be excessive. This is usually a topical treatment or a collar.

Schedule an Appointment Today!

Contact Valley Veterinary Hospital of Helena if your dog or cat requires treatment against parasite infestations. Call our Animal Hospital today at (406) 204-4332 for more information about parasite prevention or to make an appointment with our veterinary team for an assessment.