General FAQs

Every pet owner has come to a point in time where they have asked the questions, "How do I do that?" or "What does that look like?" We have taken some time and gathered a few tutorials, answers, and how-to's for many of the common questions that a pet owner may have.

Q: How do I give a pill to my dog or cat?

A: This may be one of the most common concerns that pet parents have. We often struggle with many of our pets to find a way to medicate them while causing the least amount of stress on everyone involved. Firstly, there are multiple ways to get your pt to simply eat the pill. If your pet does not have any allergies or diet restrictions, you can place the pill in a small piece of marshmallow, bread, hot dog, or cheese. Then feed the entire treat to them. We also sell what is known as "pill-pockets", which is a small treat with a hollow center to place the pill in. If they are restricted to a prescription diet, you can purchase a can of wet food in their prescription and make small "meatballs" out of the food to stuff the pill into. Worst case scenario, you can use what is known as a pill gun. It is a long narrow device that will essentially place the pill into the back of your pet's throat, forcing him/her to swallow. This does NOT harm them. Watch a video here.

Q: How do I trim my dog or cats nails?

A: It can cause a lot of stress for owners when contemplating trimming their pet's nails. Most owners are terrified of the prospect of cutting their pet's nails too short (into the quick) and causing bleeding. Most owners also panic when their pets squirm and fight the nail trim process. Truthfully, most animals are not fans of being restrained or having their feet messed with. They are also quick learners, which means that if you give up due to squirming one time, they have now learned that fighting you in this process is rewarded by them being let go. Watch a video on trimming dog and cat nails here. It is important to remember when purchasing nail trimmers to purchase items that are the right size for your pet. Smaller trimmers will be easily maneuvered for smaller dogs and cats. There is also a less chance of hitting your pet's quick if you use the right sized trimmers.

Q: My dog is being aggressive in public or when it is unexpected. How do I muzzle him/her?

A: One if the things to always be aware of with dogs in public or at events with many people or other animals, is the potential for aggression or conflicts. Even the nicest or calmest animal can become defensive or aggressive in the face of a threatening animal or person. Knowing how to manufacture a muzzle out of your pets leash on the spot can protect your pet, yourself, and others. It makes for an incredibly responsible pet owner, and it avoids conflicts that can result in tickets from animal control officers or quarantines for dog bites. Watch a video here on creating a muzzle out of your pet's leash.

Q: I have a very hard time putting my cat into a carrier. How do I do this?

A: Catching your pet for a veterinary visit or for traveling is one thing. But to fight your cat to place them inside a carrier can sometimes be a whole other battle. As veterinarians, we recommend that your cat always be in a carrier when being transported or being carried in a public place. It is by far the safest location for them. Even the most relaxed cat can jump, claw and run when they become terrified or startled. You can place your carrier on it's end with the opening up and slide the cat down into the carrier. Here is a video demonstrating just backing your cat into the carrier. Here is another one demonstrating the method of lowering your cat into the carrier while the carrier is on it's end.

Q: My pet was recently diagnosed with a medical condition that will require giving fluids subcutaneously at home (SQ Fluids). How do I do this?

A: Sometimes our pets reach a place in their lives where they require more effort to maintain their level of hydration. As a veterinary clinic, we offer tutorials and in clinic demonstrations on giving SQ fluids to your pet. Should you need a refresher or want to re-watch a how-to, click here.

Q: My pet is going to require insulin injections at home. This makes me nervous and I need to know how to do this.

A: Dogs and cats can both be diagnosed with diabetes and may require injections of insulin at home on a regular basis. We will always give you an in-clinic demonstration on how this works and what to do. Giving an injection to your pet at home can feel scary and foreign, so we have found a video on giving an insulin injections here. Feel free to watch it over and over, and we are more than happy to give repeat demonstrations at the clinic at any time!

Q: How do I clean my pets ears and put medication in them?

A: Ear cleaning and medicating are two of the most common medically necessary things pet owners may see. For that reason, we recommend watching this video to see a great example on cleaning out your dogs ears. Always clean, if your vet instructs you to do so, prior to placing any medication inside. Once your pets ear is clean (again, only if your vet asked you to do this), you can watch this video for a demonstration on how to administer medication to your pets ear. A good rule of thumb when dealing with ears: don't place anything deep into the ear. That means no applicators, cotton swabs/Q-tips, or your fingers.