Pet Dental Care

Pet Dental From Valley Veterinary Hospital of Helena

At Valley Veterinary Hospital of Helena we believe very strongly that preventative care is the best veterinary care. We recommend that all of our pet patients get regular pet wellness exams, and we make a thorough dental examination a part of each of these checkups. Dental problems can affect your pet's overall health in a variety of ways, from loose and missing teeth to heart and lung problems. We offer dental checkups as well as deep cleaning and other veterinary dental services.

Common Pet Dental Problems

Symptoms of Pet Dental Problems

We'll examine your pet's teeth and mouth every time she comes in for a checkup, but she may experience problems in the months between visits. If your pet ever experiences any of these symptoms, she may need additional dental treatment.

    • Teeth that are discolored or covered in tartar
    • Swelling or bleeding in the mouth
    • Loose or missing teeth
    • Refusal to eat, or dropping food when trying to eat
    • Extremely bad breath

Common Pet Dental Problems

In most cases, we'll recommend a thorough cleaning when our veterinarian finds tartar or signs of periodontal disease. Some other issues we may find are misalignment of the teeth and jaw, infected teeth or abscesses, tumors or cysts in the jaw, or broken teeth.

The most common problem, by far, is a buildup of tartar. When your pet's teeth are left uncleaned, a sticky film called plaque is deposited on them. This plaque builds up over time and hardens into a yellow substance called tartar. Tartar has microscopic holes in its surface which are the ideal home for mouth-borne bacteria to grow and thrive. These bacteria can cause infections in the mouth and jaw, and can even spread through the bloodstream to the heart, liver, and other parts of the body, causing serious and deadly infections.

Teeth Cleaning in the Animal Hospital

We use general anesthesia on all pets when cleaning their teeth. A thorough cleaning involves scraping the teeth below the gum line to remove all existing plaque, and anesthesia prevents your pet from feeling pain or fright during the procedure. It's a very safe technique, and we constantly monitor your pet during the entire procedure to make sure he comes through with no residual effects.

After your pet's teeth are spotless, you'll want to keep them that way. Our team will be happy to teach you how to brush your pet's teeth in order to keep further plaque from building up in the future.

Contact Our Helena Veterinary Office

If you haven't had your pet's teeth examined in the past year, give us a call and make an appointment. Contact our office at (406) 204-4332 and we'll schedule a visit today.