Pet Seizures

One of the most common neurological conditions our pets face is seizures. A seizure is an involuntary disturbance of normal brain function. If your pet suddenly drops to the floor and starts kicking as if treading water, your pet may be having a seizure. We hope that your animal never has to experience a seizure, but know that our team at Valley Veterinary Hospital of Helena is here to help in those dire situations.


Common Causes of Seizures

One of the most common causes of seizures in pets is exposure to a toxin. Many medications that are commonly given to pets can cause seizures if given an excessive amount or if the medication is incorrect for the pet. Before you treat your pet with any over-the-counter medications, be sure to check with our team to find out if it is safe for your pet. Common foods found at home can also cause your pet to have a seizure. Xylitol, which can be found in chewing gum and other candies is also a culprit. Avoid exposing your pet to dark chocolate and caffeine as well. 

Neurological conditions can cause seizures. One way to minimize the risk of seizure is to keep your pet vaccinations up to date since dog rabies and canine distemper can cause seizures. Other things such as epilepsy and brain tumors can also affect your pet. Common causalities are degenerative diseases, birth defects, trauma, immune-inflammatory diseases, cancer, and strokes. Problems with the kidneys or liver can also cause seizures.

What to Do if Your Pet Is Experiencing A Seizure 

Try to not move your pet while the seizure is happening. Move any sharp or dangerous objects away from your pet’s vicinity until it is over. If your pet’s seizure lasts more than five minutes or he or she is experiencing multiple seizures in a day, be ready to take your pet in immediately. The mortality rate of pets that have cluster seizures or seizures that last more than five minutes is 25%. Try to keep your hands away from your pet’s mouth during and after the seizure. Your pet does not have a lot of conscious control during a seizure and can potentially bite you.

Contact Us for Help in Helena

At Valley Veterinary Hospital of Helena, we have the experience to treat pet seizures and are a full-service animal hospital. We are dedicated to providing your pet with the best quality of service when he or she needs it most. That is why our emergency care is available 24/7. Contact us today at (406) 204-4332 to see how we can help you and your animal.