Heartworm Awareness

Heartworm Awareness

Now that spring has arrived, it is up to you to understand the dangers of heartworm and how to protect your pet against this disease. Heartworm can be spread to your animal through infected mosquitoes, and it is a life-threatening condition.

What Is Heartworm Disease?

Heartworm disease causes worms to live in your pet's heart, lungs, and blood vessels. The disease differs between cats and dogs, but it is just as dangerous for both.

  • Dogs: Dogs are great hosts for heartworm. When heartworm invades your pet's body, they mature into adults, they mate and produce offspring. Without treatment, hundreds of worms can make your pet's vital organs there home.
  • Cats: In cats, the worms don't survive to be adults. Cats with heartworm often have no more than three worms. While the worms don't mate and produce offspring, the condition is still serious and potentially life-threatening.

What Are the Symptoms of Heartworm Disease?

The symptoms of heartworm disease differ between cats and dogs.

  • Dogs: In dogs, heartworm can cause a persistent cough. Your dog may be tired after exercise, have a decreased appetite, and he may lose weight. In the later stages, your pet can develop labored breathing, pale gums, and bloody or brown urine. In time, heart failure occurs.
  • Cats: Cats with heartworm start with a cough, attacks that resemble an asthma attack, vomiting, loss of appetite, and weight loss. In the later stages, your cat can have trouble walking; he might faint or have a seizure, and developed a swollen abdomen due to fluid accumulation.


During your pet's annual exam with the veterinarian, he will be tested for heartworm disease. Testing is essential each year to detect the heartworm disease early so that it can be treated in the earliest stages.

How Can Heartworm Be Prevented?

Your pet's best defense against heartworm disease is monthly preventative medication. The medication can be given as a pill, an injection, or a spot-on topical medication.

To protect your pet against heartworm, scheduling annual visits with Valley Veterinary Hospital of Helena. The veterinarian at our animal hospital will test your pet for heartworm. If he has heartworm disease, he will be given the necessary care and treatment. We can also give you pet his supply of heartworm medication to keep him safe all year long.